First light

Finally the QHY runs as it should and the first test shots have been sucessfully. The weather did as it  usally does… The first clear nights since months allowed me to take some photos.  Find here the Sunflower Galaxy and NGC 2903. Both can be compared with older results. Above : Sunflower 2019 and today.

last Photos before Summer

Here are the last photos before the night gets to light during summertime. In my home region it doesn’t get really dark at night in June and July. Even end of May the usable night hours are to short for dim deep sky objects. Hence I shot two lighthouses of the night sky: the Sadr-region and the North Amerika Nebula with Pelican Nebula: here

I took this opportunity to reorganize my gallery pages.

Some adds regarding corrector test with my 383 and the TS2Korr for my own record.