I updated the german description of my Skywatcher Star Adventurer mod with 2 axis guiding (see section Star Adventurer Mk II). It now come swith a lighter stepper, a new power supply and some 3D printed parts.
Kategorie: Uncategorized
UMI 17 Lite
A new article describes a mobile set-up with an UMI 17 Lite.
Halter für den MGEN-3
Meinen MGEN-Halter gibt es jetzt einschließlich 3D Druckdateien als MkIII.
LiFePo based mid size power bank
Added a new page describing a LiFePo power box for my UMI17Lite system.
Updates and new page
Dust and Stars in Cassiopeia
Eagle Nebula and Omega Nebula
This photo was taken at Breddorfer Moor which is significantly darker than my garden. Only 1 hour fpür both nebulas at one shot.Compare it with my 2012 shot of Eagle Nebula and my 2018 La Palma shot of Omega Nwbula
NGC 4725, NGC 4747, NGC 4712: the Holm 468 Trio
Find a photo of the Holm 468 Trio here. The tidal arm of NGC4712 surprised me with its size and brightness.
First light
Finally the QHY runs as it should and the first test shots have been sucessfully. The weather did as it usally does… The first clear nights since months allowed me to take some photos. Find here the Sunflower Galaxy and NGC 2903. Both can be compared with older results. Above : Sunflower 2019 and today.