
Some views of the true outer space. Since my maximum focus length was around 550mm until summer 2020, most of the galaxies are shot at a very small scale. Anyway, I’m always trying to get a good impression of these objects. Of particular interest for me are pictures with local objects of our galaxy and a real deep sky 0bjects. An example is the pic of NGC 6946 and NGC 6939. I collect this type of pictures at Close Encounters.

Object: Holm 468, 3 nights, May 13th, 14th and 15th, 2024, Borgfeld
Scope: 10″ Newton with 2,5″ Wynne at f/3.6
Camera: QHY 268M, LRGB 32/8/8/8 x 4 min,  3h 44min at all
Mount: Avalon Linear
Guiding: off-axis, ASI 220MM, PHD2
Processing: SGP Pro, PI
Remark: North is up, scale is 0.85 arc sec / pixel. NGC 4725, NGC 4747, NGC 4712: the interacting Holm 468 Trio.

Object: M 63, 4 nights between May 7th and 12th, 2024, Borgfeld
Scope: 10″ Newton with 2,5″ Wynne at f/3.6
Camera: QHY 268M, LRGB 78/23/23/23 x 4 min,  9h 48min at all
Mount: Avalon Linear
Guiding: off-axis, ASI 220MM, PHD2
Processing: SGP Pro, PI
Remark: The Sunflower Galaxy. North is up, scale is 0.85 arc sec / pixel. Compare with an older photo taken the same scope. To be found in the gallery below.


Object: NGC 2903 March 16th, 2024, Borgfeld
Scope: 10″ Newton with 2.5″ Wynne at f/3.6
Camera: QHY 268M, LRGB 16/6/6/6 x 8 min, 4 h 32 min at all
Mount: Avalon Linear
Guiding: off-axis, ASI 220MM, PHD2
Processing: SGP Pro, PI
Remark: A field of about 1°24′ x 52′. Scale is 0.85″/pix, north is up. The first test of the QHY with the Riccardi. Distances seem to be ok. The smaller one at the left hand is NGC 2916. Compare with an older photo taken the same scope. To be found in the gallery below.


Object: Arp84 three nights April and May 2023, Borgfeld
Scope: 10″ Newton at f/3.6
Camera: Atik 490EXm, LRGB 156/37/41/42 x 2 min each, 9 h 12 min at all
Mount: Avalon Linear
Guiding: off-axis, Lodestar, PHD2
Processing: SGP Pro, PI
Remark: A field of about 53′ x 40′. Scale is 1.05″/pix, north is up. It shows Arp 84 (NGC 5394/95) at the lower left and NGC 5380 with NGC 5378 at the right.


Object: Leo Triplet; 25. and 26.02.2023, Borgfeld
Scope: 10″ Newton at f/3.6
Camera: ASI 6200MC pro, clear filter, 38 x 4m each, medium gain, 2h 32m at all
Mount: Avalon Linear
Guiding: off-axis, Lodestar, PHD2
Processing: SGP Pro, PI, PS
Remark: Showing a field of about 2.2° x 1.5°. Scale is 0.85″/pix, north is up. Great panoramic view of the triplett consisting of M65, M66 and NGC3628. The effective resolution is quite good. Zoom into it! Beneath the tidal arm of NGC 3628 the pic shows two artefacts, here in an emphasized view. The ring is probably an effect due to poor antireflex coating inside the tube, the straight beam is probably a spike of the distant star Theta Leonis. Regarding the ring it seems that it is brought into the processing by the flat frames. My hope is that this is caused by light ingress into the tube catching flats in the late dawn. Have to investigate.


Object: Markarians Chain and the Eyes; 25. and 26.02.2023, Borgfeld
Scope: 10″ Newton at f/3.6
Camera: ASI 6200MC pro, clear filter, 78 x 4m each, medium gain, 3h 12m at all
Mount: Avalon Linear
Guiding: off-axis, Lodestar, PHD2
Processing: SGP Pro, PI, PS
Remark: Showing a field of about 2.2° x 1.5°. Scale is 0.85″/pix, north is up. The Eyes (NGC 4438 and NGC 4435) are in the center of this pic. The view includes the large ellipticals M84 and M86 at the right part and M87 at the lower left and many other galaxies of the Virgo cluster near the border of Virgo and Coma Berenices. Here is an annotated version.

Object: NGC 6949; 2022, 7 nights from April to Aug, Borgfeld
Scope: 10″ Newton at f/2.8
Camera: Atik 490EXm, LRGB 86/33/36/42 x 4 min each, 13 h 08 min at all
Mount: Avalon Linear
Guiding: off-axis, Lodestar, PHD2
Processing: SGP Pro, PI
Remark: Scale: 1.01 arc sec / pix; north is up.
NGC 6949 is a famous galaxy in Cepheus embedded in galactic flux nebula .

Object: NGC 2841; 2022, 5 nights April and May, Borgfeld
Scope: 10″ Newton at f/2.8
Camera: Atik 490EXm, LRGB 63/19/22/21 x 4 min each, 8 h 20 min at all
Mount: Avalon Linear
Guiding: off-axis, Lodestar, PHD2
Processing: SGP Pro, PI
Remark: Scale: 1.01 arc sec / pix; north is up.
NGC 2841 is a Sb galaxy in the constellation Big Bear.

Object: Draco Triplet; 2022, 4 nights March and April, Borgfeld
Scope: 10″ Newton at f/2.8
Camera: Atik 490EXm, LRGB 132/52/57/65 x 2 min each, 10 h at all
Mount: Avalon Linear
Guiding: off-axis, Lodestar, PHD2
Processing: SGP Pro, PI
Remark: Scale: 1.01 arc sec / pix; north is up. The Triplet consists of the edge on NGC 5981, the elliptical NGC 5982 and the spiral NGC 5985.

Object: Eye of Sauron NGC 4151; 2022, March 2nd,3rd and 4th Borgfeld
Scope: 10″ Newton at f/2.8
Camera: Atik 490EXm, LRGB 195/32/25/28 x 2 min each, 14.5 h at all
Mount: Avalon Linear
Guiding: off-axis, Lodestar, PHD2
Processing: SGP Pro, PI
Remark: Scale: 1.01 arc sec / pix; north is up. In Canes Venatici with accompanying NGC 4156 at 11 o’clock position showing  a tidal stream.

Object: Arp 1 (NGC 2857) and friends; 2022, February 27th and 28th, Borgfeld
Scope: 10″ Newton at f/3.6
Camera: Atik 490EXm, RGB 40/35/35 x 2 min each, L 100 x 2 min, 7 h at all
Mount: Avalon Linear
Guiding: off-axis, Lodestar, PHD2
Processing: SGP Pro, PI
Remark: Scale: 0.83 arc sec / pix; north is up. NGC 2857 is the first object in Halton Arp’s Atlas of Peculiar Galaxies and  in the ‚Low Surface Brightness Galaxies‘ section. The photo shows Arp 1 with its companions  NGC 2854 and NGC 2856.

Object: Hickson Compact Group 44; 2022, February 26th and 28th, Borgfeld
Scope: 10″ Newton at f/3.6
Camera: Atik 490EXm, RGB 17/13/16 x 2 min each,L 34 x 2 min, 2 h 40 min at all
Mount: Avalon Linear
Guiding: off-axis, Lodestar, PHD2
Processing: SGP Pro, PI
Remark: Scale: 0.83 arc sec / pix; north is up.

Object: M 102 or NGC 5866; 2021, May 7th and 29th, Borgfeld
Scope: 10″ Newton at f/3.6
Camera: Atik 490EXm, RGB 25 x 2 min each,L 45 x 2 min, 4 h at all
Mount: Avalon Linear
Guiding: off-axis, Lodestar, PHD2
Processing: SGP Pro, PI
Remark: Scale: 0.83 arc sec / pix; north is up. Find here a comparison of strong HDRMT processing vs. processing without it. „AVL Foto des Monats August 2021“ here (in german).

Object: NGC 3718; 2021, four night between April 19th and May 7th Borgfeld
Scope: 10″ Newton at f/3.6
Camera: Atik 490EXm, LRGB (95/28/30/21 x 2 min), 5 h 48 min at all
Mount: Avalon Linear
Guiding: off-axis, Lodestar, PHD2
Processing: SGP Pro, PI
Remark: Scale: 0.83 arc sec / pix; north is up. „Astrofoto der Woche Nr. 37 / 2021“ at AdW 37/2021. At the linked page you’ll find is an interesting analysis by P. Riepe.

Object: Helix Galaxy NGC 2685 ; 2021, March 3rd and 5th Borgfeld
Scope: 10″ Newton at f/3.6
Camera: Atik 490EXm, RGB 20 x 4 min each,L 59 x 4 min, 8 h at all
Mount: Avalon Linear
Guiding: off-axis, Lodestar, PHD2
Processing: SGP Pro, PI
Remark: Scale: 1.01 arc sec / pix; north is up.

Object: NGC 7331; 2020, Sept 11th, Borgfeld
Scope: 10″ Newton at f/2.8
Camera: Atik 490EXm, RGB 15 x 2 min each,L 45 x 2 min, 3 h at all
Mount: Avalon Linear
Guiding: off-axis, Lodestar, PHD2
Processing: SGP Pro, PI
Remark: Scale: 1.01 arc sec / pix; north is up.

Object: M 101; 2020, March 20th and 21st, Borgfeld
Scope: SW Esprit 100 ED with SW Flattener at f/5.5
Camera: Atik 490EXm, L: 123 x 2m, RGB: each 45 x 2m, 8h 36m
Mount: Avalon Linear
Guiding: ASI 290MM 60/240 Finderscope, PHD2
Processing: SGP Pro, PI, PS
Remark: Scale: 1.38 arc sec / pix; north is up. See the superova SN2023ixf. The you’ll find an animated GIF blinking this photo with the supernova.

Object: Silver Needle NGC 4244; 2019, September, 4th; 2020, March 20th and 21st, Borgfeld
Scope: SW Esprit 100 ED with SW Flattener at f/5.5
Camera: Atik 490EXm, L: 61 x 4m, RGB: 40/40/43 x 4m, 12h 16m
Mount: Avalon Linear
Guiding: ASI 290MM 60/240 Finderscope, PHD2
Processing: SGP Pro, PI, PS
Remark: Scale: 1.38 arc sec / pix; north is up. A large edge on galaxy at a distance of about 4 MPc in Canes Venatici. It belongs to the M94 group.

Object: M 94; 2020, April, 17th, 18th and 20th, Borgfeld
Scope: SW Esprit 100 ED with SW Flattener at f/5.5
Camera: Atik 490EXm, L: 96 x 2m, RGB: each 60 x 2m, 9h 14m
Mount: Avalon Linear
Guiding: ASI 290MM 60/240 Finderscope, PHD2
Processing: SGP Pro, PI, PS
Remark: Scale: 1.38 arc sec / pix; north is up. This galaxy is one of the so-called starburst galaxies. Unfortunately the star forming region at the outer rim of the central area is not visible in smaller instruments… but at this Hubble photo….

Object: Bear Paw Galaxy; 8 nights between February 2018 and March 2020, Borgfeld
Scope: SW Esprit 100 ED with SW Flattener at f/5.5
Camera: Atik 490EXm, L: 35 x 4m, RGB: 23/26/27 x 4m, 7h 16m
Mount: Avalon Linear
Guiding: ASI 290MM 60/240 Finderscope, PHD2
Processing: SGP Pro, PI, PS
Remark: Scale: 1.38 arc sec / pix, PA=358°. More information.

Object: Black Eye Galaxy M 64; 2019, March, 26th, 27th and 31st, Borgfeld
Scope: SW Esprit 100 ED with SW Flattener at f/5.5
Camera: Atik 490EXm, L: 66 x 4m, RGB: 28/30/30 x 4m, 10h 16m
Mount: Avalon Linear
Guiding: ASI 290MM 60/240 Finderscope, PHD2
Processing: SGP Pro, PI
Remark: Scale: 1.38 arc sec / pix, PA=359°.

Object: M 95 + M96; 2019, March, 22nd/23rd/25th and 26th, Borgfeld
Scope: SW Esprit 100 ED with SW Flattener at f/5.5
Camera: Atik 490EXm, L: 98 x 4m, RGB: 28/32/31 x 4m, 12h 36m
Mount: Avalon Linear
Guiding: ASI 290MM 60/240 Finderscope, PHD2
Processing: SGP Pro, PI
Remark: Famous members of Leo-I group. Distance 10 Mpc or somewhat more. Scale: 1.38 arc sec / pic, PA=179°. „AVL Foto des Monats Mai 2020“ here (in german).

Object: M 51; 5 nights during May 2019, Borgfeld
Scope: SW Esprit 100 ED with SW Flattener at f/5.5
Camera: Atik 490EXm, L: 46×4m, RGB: 26/31/31×4m, Ha: 6×20m, 11h 02m
Mount: Avalon Linear
Guiding: ASI 290MM 60/240 Finderscope, PHD2
Processing: SGP Pro, PI
Remark: The Whirlpool and companion about 25 MLy away. North is up, scale is 1.38 arc sec / pixel. See my german page about testing equipment using M51.

Object: NGC 4565, Feb 26th and 27th,March 29th, 2019, Borgfeld
Scope: SW Esprit 100 ED with SW Flattener at f/5.5
Camera: Atik 490EXm, L: 68 x 4 min, RGB: each 49/46/55 x 2 min at 2×2 bin, 9h 32min
Mount: Avalon Linear
Guiding: ASI 290MM 60/240 Finderscope, PHD2
Processing: SGP Pro, PI
Remark: The Needle Galaxy about 30 MLy away. North is up, scale is 1.38 arc sec / pixel.

Object: NGC 253, LaPalma, Sept 7th 2018
Scope: Pentax SDP125 at f/6.4
Camera: Atik 383 L+, L: 10×4 min, RGB: each 10/9/9 x 4 min, 2h 32min
Mount: 10Micron GM2000 HPS
Guiding: –
Processing: SGP Pro, PI, PS
Remark: The Silver Dollar Galaxy in Sculptor is one of the brightest galaxies in the sky. It’s distance is about 11 Mly.

Object: M 74, LaPalma, Sept 5th 2018
Scope: Pentax SDP125 at f/6.4
Camera: Atik 383 L+, L: 10×4 min, RGB: each 10 x 4 min, 3h 20min
Mount: 10Micron GM2000 HPS
Guiding: –
Processing: SGP Pro, PI, PS
Remark: A large galaxy, but with low surface brightness. Similar to our milky way.

Object: Hickson Compact Group 68, May 5-7th 2018, Borgfeld
Scope: SW Esprit 100 ED with SW Flattener at f/5.5
Camera: Atik 383 L+, L: 34×8 min, RGB: 17/15/16x 4 min at 2×2 binning, 7h 44min
Mount: Avalon Linear
Guiding: ASI 290MM 60/240 Finderscope, PHD2
Processing: SGP Pro, PI, PS
Remark: A
collection of galaxies located in the constellation Canes Venatici at a distance of 100 million light years, containing NGC 5353, 5354, 5350, 5355 und 5358. North is up.

Object: Whale Galaxy and Hockey Stick Galaxy, 6 nights April-May 2018, Borgfeld
Scope: SW Esprit 100 ED with SW Flattener at f/5.5
Camera: Atik 383 L+, L: 48×8 min, RGB: 17/19/18x 4 min at 2×2 binning, 10h
Mount: Avalon Linear
Guiding: ASI 290MM 60/240 Finderscope, PHD2
Processing: SGP Pro, PI, PS
Remark: G
alaxies located in the constellation Canes Venatici at a distance of 25 and 40 million light years which probably have been interacting in history. North is up.

Object: M 81, M 82 and NGC 3077, March to April 2017, Borgfeld
Scope: SW Esprit 100 ED with small Riccardi at f/4.1
Camera: Atik 383 L+, 11h LRGB
Mount: Avalon Linear
Guiding:Lodestar 60/240 Finderscope, PHD-Guiding
Processing: SGP Pro, PI, PS
Remark: Actually I intended to collect more photons than I finally did. The bright nights of the north german summer stopped me and I decided to start with the processing. Maybe I’m gonna add some light next year… see picture page.

Object: NGC 2403, 2017 May 6th, 7th and 8th, Borgfeld
Scope: SW Esprit 100 ED with SW Flattener at f/5.5
Camera: Atik 383 L+, 41×4 min L, 19/17/16 x 4min RGB, Sum: 6h 12min
Mount: Avalon Linear
Guiding:Lodestar 60/240 Finderscope, PHD-Guiding
Processing: SGP Pro, PI, very little PS
Remark: The raw data of this guy dozed two years on my hard disk. I was never satisfied with my processing. Now, Oct 2018 I tried a second processing from the scratch. Found it worth to publish.

Below a gallery of more galaxy photos shot in earlier times. All photos are shown with their original description written after finishing the processing.

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