I tried to realize a html image map. Find the result of my first try here. There is a link to an image map of the constellation Auriga. Some detail photos are linked. Try it an click the map.
Catching tiny particles with effort.
Last update: 11.02.2018 - Published: 04.02.2018
I tried to realize a html image map. Find the result of my first try here. There is a link to an image map of the constellation Auriga. Some detail photos are linked. Try it an click the map.
Find a new picture of the Jellyfish Nebula. Dozed almost a year at my hard disk….
As well a new page dealing with an Auriga widefield and some of its most remarkable objects.
I finished the documentation of my latest project: a 16 inch Dobson. Find it here. It a whole bunch of data. Hope it helps somebody.
Improvement of the eyepiece clamping of my ES-HRCC with a Baader Click Lock. See here.
My latest picture is now online. It shows M81 / M82 and was taken during 8 nights in March and April this year. Still not enough light, but I decided to start the processing now and not to wait until next years season.
Page in english language.
New design of the sub page close encounters.
The former name was special encounters, but I think ‚close‘ matches better and has a smart triple ambiguity…
Die Umstellung auf XLR forderte auch eine neue Verteilerbox für den stationären Einsatz im Garten.
Lange Zeit erfolgte die Stromversorgung meines Teleskops über 12 v Zigarettenanzüderstecker und entsprechende Buchsen. Diese „Zigarettenanzündertechnologie“ war mir aufgrund ihrer Unzuverlässigkeit schon immer ein Dorn im Auge. Jetzt habe ich auf XLR umgestellt und es nicht bereut. Das Ergebnis des Umbaus meiner großen 12 V Kiste findet sich hier.
I added the picture and a movie of the Comet 41P/Tuttle-Giacobini-Kresak.
Taken out in fields about one hour by car from my home. Suppose it is the darkest place in the area….