I updated the german description of my Skywatcher Star Adventurer mod with 2 axis guiding (see section Star Adventurer Mk II). It now come swith a lighter stepper, a new power supply and some 3D printed parts.
First light
Finally the QHY runs as it should and the first test shots have been sucessfully. The weather did as it usally does… The first clear nights since months allowed me to take some photos. Find here the Sunflower Galaxy and NGC 2903. Both can be compared with older results. Above : Sunflower 2019 and today.
Leo Triplet
The Leo Triplett in good resolution here.
Markarians Chain and The Eyes
Find here a new pic of galaxies at the border of Virgo and Coma Berenices called „Markarians Chain“.
aktueller Komet C/2022 E3 (ZTF)
Another „dark nebula“ in Cepheus
Added a new photo of my favoured region in Cepeheus to my gallery:

Nebulas of Summer
added here two nebulas of the summer skies as true color pictures
Auriga Image Map
Find a new photo as a part of my Auriga Picture Map.
NGC 7331 in Pegasus
The first galaxy shot with the newton.
Supernova Remanent Sh2-91
After years I finally got the opportunity to get Sh2-91 in Cygnus as a 4 pane mosaic.