The Iris Nebula, sometimes NGC 7023. But this is only the centre of region with nebulositiy overall . The Iris Nebula becomes impressive by the blue reflection parts becoming visible. Find the photo with same data in Galactic Neighbourhood.
Kategorie: Uncategorized
nördlicher Centaurus A
A photo of a galaxie with a dynamic center at my „Galaxies“ page. It comes along with some companions probably interacting. The as well catched Hickson Group HCG56 is not interacting. Its to far away, of course.
some new pages
I added some pages around the 10″ with a new corrector in german.
And a photo of the monkey head taken with that stuff.
Auriga Image Map
Find a new photo as a part of my Auriga Picture Map.
Medusa Nebula
Abell 21 or Sharpless 2-274 is an extended planetary nebula with low surface brightness. Shot lacks a bit of luminance.
Look here
Barnard 150
After trying 6 ways of picture processing the 7th run finally showed an acceptable result. Again it reveals: sometimes less processing is better than to much…
Find the photo here … and the photo with description under nebulas in true color.
Halo of Ring Nebula
A test of my Newton got out of my hands turned into a new photo. Here ist photo and the story….
The head of the Dark Shark
I tried to catch a dark nebula from my suburban garden. It is the head of the Dark Shark Nebula in Cepeheus. Find it here.
NGC 7497 and MBM 54
I tried to shot the galaxy with the IFN as foreground. Find the result here along with some details about the object and the reason why I put it to „Close Encounter“ and not to „Galaxies“.
NGC 7331 in Pegasus
The first galaxy shot with the newton.